Two short supernatural stories.
"Silence be Damned": Leo peered up at her, eyebrows raised. "Lydia. What's wrong?" She kept screaming over and over. "You're... you're bleeding... Lydia felt her hands balling involuntarily into fists, and she felt a new round of screaming building inside her. Leo glanced down at his shirt. His eyes grew as large as dinner plates. "Oh my God... what is that?" This never-before-published narrative is a disturbing, nightmarish tale of a lady named Lydia and her journey through a busy subway train station when things quickly begin to change. Something menacing awaits down there, a monstrous and punishing supernatural force that comes to life, but be warned, this story is not for the faint of heart.
"The Exchange": Luke walked up to the girl in the playground and asked, "Why aren't you swinging?" The girl looked at him and said nothing for a minute. He was struck by the darkness of her irises, which were almost impossible to distinguish from her blacker-than-black pupils. He swallowed. He was about to turn away when she said, "I was swinging, but I don't swing anymore." A ghostly tale of a boy that moves to a new house with her mom and sister, his father had recently died. He encounters a small girl in the playground up the street where he lives and then the spine tingling terror begins...