ELLIE AND MARGE are two wealthy, middle aged sisters who live in New
York City. They travel every year on the continent, taking their
annual vacation and on this particular occasion they decide to take
their niece ROSIE with them, since Rosie's mother has recently died
and Ellie and Marge want to show their appreciation for the way she
cared for her mother during her last painful illness.
Ellie is a widow and Marge has been divorced after her husband ALEX
has run off with a younger woman. Rose is single and is not
particularly looking for a husband, but Ellie and Marge are certainly
looking for her ...
Now it has always been the practice of the 'girls' (Ellie and Marge)
whenever they went abroad, to play a little innocent game of
flirtation; harmless fun, of course, where they would change their
names to enhance the mystique that they felt was theirs in the time of
vacation. They were carefree and young again, with the world at their
feet. Diamonds weren't the only ...